cmode 1 cmode 1 lnkndasq /cmd3 "lnkndasq" subar 4 /cmd3 "subar 2" goout gosacout /cmd3 "goout" /cmd3 "gosacout" addlist '/odisk/gtac/src.list' addlist '/odisk/gtac/source/atnf_psr_updated.list' *** Scan at the target source using GWB , replace PSR by pulsar name *** * gts'PSR' gts'J0332+5434' sndsacsrc (1,12h) sndsacsrc (1,12h) stabct /(gotosrc) strtndasc * run_record.gwb2 dataarea pulsarname recording_bit scaled_duration post_integ scaling centralfrequency /run_record.gwb2 data6 J0332+5434 8 1025 1 16 400 time 690s /kill_psr_record /kill_psr_record.gwb stpndasc /kill_psr_record /kill_psr_record.gwb stpndasc time 2s *** Details of recording command *** run_record.gwb2 dataarea pulsarname recording_bit scaled_duration post_integ scaling centralfrequency1 centralfrequency2 *** 1st entry : data area (e.g. data4) *** 2nd entry : pulsar name (e.g. J0332+5434) *** 3rd entry : 8 bit recording (e.g. 8) *** 4th entry : scaleed duration/0.671 (scaled duration; ) *** 5th entry : post integ (1 in general) *** 6th entry : scaling to convert from 16bit to 8bit (e.g. 16) *** Example : run_record.gwb2 data4 J0332+5434 8 5365 1 16 400 end /bell