#!/usr/bin/python #from katcp import BlockingClient, Message '''PLOTS CROSS AND AUTO CORRELATION FUNCTION OF WIDEBAND POCO n-CH DESIGN ON ROACH BOARD This program is a generalized program with few modifications to plot and dump the data in analysis program-tax native format into the given specified format. ''' import matplotlib from matplotlib import rcParams matplotlib.use('GTKAgg') import katcp, numpy, pylab import gtk, gobject, time, struct, sys, math #device_host = "" # For Lab Testing #device_host = "" # For Receiver Room Testing device_port = 7147 acq_time = 2**27/(150.0*(10**6)) # 0.89 is 1 sync period time n_chans = 1024 ants = 2 max_ants = 2 baselines = (ants*(ants-1))/2 bram_offset = ants*2 e_o_offset = 2 n_brams = 4 #( even + odd + re + im ) #print "baselines = %i\tbaselines+ants = %i"%(baselines,baselines+ants) #print 'Connecting to ROACH through katcp' #client = katcp.BlockingClient(device_host, device_port) #client.start() if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser p = OptionParser() p.set_usage('tut4_poco_plot.py [options] ') p.set_description(__doc__) p.add_option('-l', '--log', dest='log', action='store_true', default=False, help='''Plot the power in logarithmic scale (requires some non-zero value signal).''') p.add_option('--hold', dest='hold', action='store_true', default=False, help='''Turn on hold. This will plot subsequent specra on top of each other.''') p.add_option('-f', '--file', action='store', type='string', dest='filename', help='''file dump the data in native tax format''', metavar='FILE') opts, args = p.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args==[]: print 'Please specify a ROACH board. \nExiting.' exit() else: roach = args[0] client = katcp.BlockingClient(roach, device_port) client.start() print "baselines = %i\tbaselines+ants = %i"%(baselines,baselines+ants) bram_map=['dir_x1_aa_real','dir_x1_bb_real','dir_x1_cc_real','dir_x1_dd_real','dir_x1_ac_real','dir_x1_ac_imag','dir_x1_bd_real','dir_x1_bd_imag'] #BRAM for 2-Ant Correlator System. #bram_map=['dir_x1_aa_real','dir_x1_bb_real','dir_x1_cc_real','dir_x1_dd_real',] x=range(0,n_chans/2) xlab=('FFT channel number') fig = pylab.figure(1) manager = pylab.get_current_fig_manager() cnt = 0 # (opts, args) = p.parse_args() if (opts.filename != None): f_name = opts.filename #+ opts.filename print "Tax File is %s" %f_name fptr = open (f_name,'wb') # CONTINUOUS LOOP def updatefig(*args): global cnt, ants cnt += 1 print 'Grabbing spectrum number %i'%cnt rply = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]] self = [[],[]] self_tax = [[],[]] cross = [[],[]] cross_tax = [[],[],[],[]] cx_tax = [[],[],[],[]] cx_intrleav = [] main_loop_t = time.time() # DATA GRABBING UTILITY for input in range(2*ants+baselines*4): reply, inform = client.blocking_request(katcp.Message.request("wordread", bram_map[input], "0", "256")) rply[input] = map(eval, reply.arguments[1:n_chans/4+1]) print"rply[%i] = %i"%(input,numpy.size(rply[input])) # print 'size of rply[%i] = %i'%(input, numpy.size(rply[input])) if input > (bram_offset-1): print "bram_map[%i]=%s"%(input,bram_map[input]) for i in range(256): # For 2's Complement interpretation :) if (rply[input][i] > 2147483647): rply[input][i] = rply[input][i] - 4294967296 k=0 #self[0] =>input[0] & input[1] and self[1] => input[2] & input[3] #--------------- SELF DATA MANIPULATION--------------------# for input in range(ants): rply_1 = list(numpy.copy(rply[k+input])) rply_2 = list(numpy.copy(rply[1+k+input])) j = 0 print 'size of rply_1[%i] = %i, rply_2[%i] = %i'%((k+input),numpy.size(rply_1),(k+input+1),numpy.size(rply_2)) for i in range(1,(n_chans/2+1),2): # This is for interleaving Logic. rply_1.insert(i,rply_2[j]) j=j+1 k=k+1 # print 'After size of rply_1 = %i, rply_2 = %i'%(numpy.size(rply_1), numpy.size(rply_2)) self[input] = list(numpy.array(rply_1) + 0.1) # print input # print 'size of self[%i] = %i'%(input, numpy.size(self[input])) #----------- for tax program compatibility --------------# # self_tmp = list(numpy.array(rply_1)) self_tmp = list(numpy.copy(self[input])) # print 'size of self[%i] = %i, self_tmp = %i'%(input, numpy.size(self[input]), numpy.size(self_tmp)) for i in range(1,((n_chans)+1),2): # This is for interleaving Logic Depends upon your n_chans value. self_tmp.insert(i,0) self_tax[input] = list(numpy.copy(self_tmp)) # print 'After size of self[%i] = %i, self_tmp = %i, self_tax[%i] = %i'%(input, numpy.size(self[input]), numpy.size(self_tmp), input, numpy.size(self_tax[input])) #------------FOR CROSS DATA MANIPULATION-------------# for input in range(baselines): # This Number depends upon number of Cross Spectrums to be observed #-------------- Bin Interleaving-----------------# for m in range(n_brams/2): # Real Interleaving and then Imaginary Interleaving print "input = %i\tm = %i\t cx_tmp[%i]\tcx_tmp1[%i]"%(input,m,(bram_offset+input*4+m),(bram_offset+input*4+m+e_o_offset)) # Is logic me gadbad hui thi....... rply number me. :( {Added for Generalized prog} cx_tmp = list(numpy.copy(numpy.array(rply[bram_offset+input*4+m]))) # Odd Samples {for Generalized} cx_tmp1 = list(numpy.copy(numpy.array(rply[bram_offset+input*4+m+e_o_offset]))) # Even Samples {for Generalized} j = 0 for i in range(1,((n_chans/2)+1),2): # This is for interleaving Logic Depends upon your n_chans value. cx_tmp.insert(i,cx_tmp1[j]) # insert before ith position j = j+1 cx_tax[m] = list(numpy.copy(cx_tmp)) # Even and Odd Samps Interleaved and cx_tax[0] = Real cx_tax[1] = Imaginary print 'size of cx_tax[%i] = %i'%(m, numpy.size(cx_tax[m])) #----------------- For Python Plotting Program --------------------# cross[input] = numpy.copy(numpy.array(cx_tax[input*2]) + numpy.array(cx_tax[input*2+1])*1j +0.1) #-------------- Real & Imaginary Interleaving-----------------# for n in range(baselines): cross_1 = list(numpy.copy(cx_tax[n*2])) # Real Part cross_2 = list(numpy.copy(cx_tax[n*2+1])) # Imaginary Part print 'size of cx_tax[%i] = %i\tSize of cx_tax[%i] = %i\n'%(n*2,(numpy.size(cross_1)),(n*2+1),(numpy.size(cross_2))) j = 0 for i in range(0,n_chans,2): # This is for interleaving Logic Depends upon your n_chans value. cross_2.insert(i,cross_1[j]) j = j+1 print 'size of cross_2 = %i\n'%(numpy.size(cross_2)) cross_tax[n] = list(numpy.copy(cross_2)) #----------------- DATA DUMPING UTILITY ------------------------# #--------------File Write-----------------# if (opts.filename != None): a = 0 cx_index = 0 ants_var = ants while(ants_var >= 0): for j in range(ants_var): if j == 0: fptr.write(numpy.array(self_tax[a], dtype = 'f')) print 'size of self_tax[%i] = %i'%(a, numpy.size(self_tax[a])) else: fptr.write(numpy.array(cross_tax[(cx_index+j-1)], dtype = 'f')) print 'size of cross_tax[%i] = %i'%((cx_index+j-1), numpy.size(cross_tax[(cx_index+j-1)])) a = a+1 ants_var = ants_var-1 cx_index = (cx_index + ants_var) #------------PLOTTING UTILITY-------------# k = 0 for i in range(ants): # For 2-Ants : Selfs n = 2. Will be n=4 for 4-Ants num = (baselines*2+ants)*100 + 11 + k print 'plot number (num)= %i'%num pylab.subplot(11+(baselines*2+ants)*100+k) # For 2-Ants : n*100 = n-self plots pylab.ioff() pylab.hold(False) # print 'size of self[%i] = %i'%(i,numpy.size(self[i])) if opts.log: pylab.semilogy(x, self[i]) pylab.ylabel('Power (log, arb units)') else: pylab.plot(x, self[i]) pylab.ylabel('Power (linear, arb units)') pylab.xlim(x[2],x[n_chans/2-1]) pylab.grid() pylab.title('Power: Self-%i Spectrum number %i'%(i,cnt)) k = k+1 for i in range(baselines): #------------Cross-Amplitude--------------# num = (baselines*2+ants)*100 + 11 + k print 'plot number (num)= %i'%num pylab.subplot((11+(baselines*2+ants)*100)+k) # For 2-Ants : n*100 = n-self plots pylab.ioff() pylab.hold(opts.hold) if opts.log: pylab.semilogy(x, (numpy.abs(cross[i]))) pylab.ylabel('Power (log, arb units)') else: pylab.plot(x, (numpy.abs(cross[i]))) pylab.ylabel('Power (linear, arb units)') # pylab.semilogy(x, (numpy.abs(cross_tax[i]))) # pylab.plot(cross_1) pylab.xlim(x[2],x[n_chans/2-1]) pylab.grid() pylab.title('Power: Cross-Amplitude %i. Spectrum number %i'%(i,cnt)) k = k+1 #------------Cross-Phase--------------# num = (baselines*2+ants)*100 + 11 + k print 'plot number (num)= %i'%num pylab.subplot((11+(baselines*2+ants)*100)+k) # For 2-Ants : n*100 = n-self plots pylab.ioff() pylab.hold(opts.hold) pylab.plot(numpy.angle(cross[i],deg=True)) # pylab.plot(cx_tax[1]) pylab.xlim(x[2],x[n_chans/2-1]) # pylab.ylim(-180,+180) pylab.ylabel('Phase in Deg') pylab.grid() pylab.title('Power: Cross-Phase %i. Spectrum number %i'%(i,cnt)) k = k+1 pylab.xlabel(xlab) # pylab.semilogy(x, self[1]) # pylab.ylabel('Power (log scale, arbitrary units)') # pylab.grid() # k = k+1 # pylab.subplot(413) # pylab.semilogy(x, numpy.abs(cross[0])) # pylab.ylabel('Cross Power (arbitrary units)') # pylab.grid() # pylab.title('Power: Input %i. Spectrum number %i'%(input,cnt)) # k = k+1 # pylab.subplot(414) # pylab.semilogy(x, numpy.angle(cross[0],deg=True)) # k = k+1 # pylab.grid() # pylab.setp(ax[input].get_xticklabels(),visible=False) # pylab.ylabel('Cross Angle (in Deg.)') # pylab.title('Power: Input %i. Spectrum number %i'%(input,cnt)) # for i in range(2): # if opts.log: #ax[i].set_ylim(3.5,ymax*1.001) # else: # ax[i].set_ylim(0,ymax*1.1) #pylab.setp(ax[input].get_xticklabels(),visible=True) loop_1_t = time.time() time.sleep(acq_time-(loop_1_t-main_loop_t)) print "Loop time = %f \nSleep = %f\n"%((loop_1_t-main_loop_t), acq_time-(loop_1_t-main_loop_t)) pylab.xlabel(xlab) pylab.draw() # if (cnt == (8*60*60+3168)): # return False # else: # return True return True # return False # For single dump gobject.idle_add(updatefig) pylab.show() client.stop() client.join() if(opts.filename != None): fptr.close() print 'Done with all'